

Dani Cowden

Personal Stylist

Editorial Styling

Model: Imogen Clark @ RebelRebel Talent

Photographed: Caytlan Koljndrekaj

After working behind the scenes in editorial, fashion shows, and visual merchandising, I realised I could use my skills to impact people’s lives by improving their closets. This led me to focus my fashion interest into a styling career that allows me to build a relationship with clients and help them with their wardrobes.

It is through our sartorial choices that we proudly declare, without uttering a single word, that we are unique, we are powerful, and we are here.

Clothes have long been regarded as more than just fabric draped over our bodies. They are our armor, our canvas, and our language.

In a world where words often fall short, our clothes become the megaphone through which we announce our identity, beliefs, and aspirations to the world.

Each button, stitch, and color choice speaks volumes about who we are and what we stand for, our clothing becomes an extension of ourselves, revealing a glimpse into our personality, culture, and even our mood.